Science Fiction Novel Series for Children


sci-fi book


The first book in the Emma + Luke series stars a girl and a boy of 10 and 11 years of age. Typical school kids, they have no idea of the adventures in store for them when they fall through a portal that transports them to a far-off planet run by a civilization that has been using the Earth to conduct social experiments.

The book will be released by VUGA Publishing and will be available in Barnes & Noble, Amazon, WalMart, Apple books and other stores on September 15, 2024.

"For my mom, who has waited for this book in heaven far too long. "

About the Author

V. Unikel has authored numerous screenplays and has been in entertainment for most of her life on two continents.

Her life-long dream is to communicate her beliefs to a younger audience, and she is now making her full-length novel debut with the first in a series of books about the Sci-Fi adventures of "Emma + Luke =".

Victoria Unikel pressVictoria Unikel press

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